Biogaran participates in a screening operation for hypertension and diabetes in Benin
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Pobè, March 17, 2023 – The pharmaceutical company Biogaran, leader in generic drugs in France, has participated in a screening operation for cardio-metabolic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, alongside healthcare professionals in the region of Pobè, Adja-Ouèrè, Kétou (PAK)
This action, which comes shortly after several awareness-raising and screening operations carried out in Ivory Coast and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), once again reaffirms Biogaran’s commitment to optimal patient care in Africa, and particularly in Benin, as well as to access to quality medicines throughout the country.
More than 500 patients attended this operation which was held in Pobè and also welcomed patients from neighboring towns such as Adja-Ouèrè, Ikpinlè, Onigbolo and Kétou. The objective of this screening operation was to sensitize the population to the risks of cardio-metabolic diseases and to the importance of frequent screening in order to be proposed an adequate treatment in case of positive diagnosis.
The campaign specifically targeted the population in the southeast of the country, a rural area with limited healthcare services, where communities may unknowingly suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes.